Mission & Vision
Mission Statement
We equip believers for victory over addiction.
Power for Abundant Recovery Ministries provides hope, healing and restoration to those within the Christian community who are struggling personally with addiction, or Co-Dependency due to the addiction of a loved one. We accomplish this through the synergy of our authentic Christ-centered, 7-pillar addiction recovery process, an internet-based support community, and a network of addiction recovery community groups.
Vision Statement
PAR (Power for Abundant Recovery) Ministries International will be the epicenter for those seeking authentic Christ centered recovery and community; locally, nationally, and globally. We will maintain this standard of authenticity by providing safe and healing support communities both in person and online as well as mentoring via our scripturally based 7 pillar process.
This process fosters long term addiction recovery because we do not align with the higher power model found in the pantheistic 12 step model, nor that ones identity is the addiction which they have battled.